Have fun and build skills and self-esteem, all while participating in year-round sports training and competition. Whatever your age or skill level, with 9 different sports to choose from, we have something for every athlete. We’ll also help you build character traits that help both on and off the field of competition. Confidence, self-esteem, teamwork are just some of the benefits of involvement in sports. For many athletes, Special Olympics is a path to empowerment, competence, acceptance, joy and friendship.

Athlete Eligibility Requirements
Special Olympics training and competition is open to every person with intellectual disabilities who is at least eight years of age and who registers to participate in Special Olympics.
A person is considered to have intellectual disabilities for purposes determining his or her eligibility to participate in Special Olympics if that person satisfies one of the following requirements:
The person has been identified by an agency or professional as having intellectual disabilities as determined by their localities; or
The person has a cognitive delay as determined by standardized measures such as intelligence quotient or "IQ" testing or other measures which are generally accepted within the professional community in Virginia as being a reliable measure of the existence of a cognitive delay; or
The person has a closely-related developmental disability, which means having functional limitations in both general learning (such as IQ) and in adaptive care (such as recreation, work, independent living, self-direction, or self-care).
Persons whose functional limitations are based solely on physical, behavioral, or emotional disability or a specific learning or sensory disability are not eligible to participate as Special Olympics athletes.
Steps to Enrollment
Complete the Combined Release / Participation Form. A Parent or Guardian must sign this for minor athletes. Adult athletes may sign the form themselves. This form represents that the athlete is physically and mentally able to participate in Special Olympics activities. It also authorizes emergency medical treatment and gives permission for Special Olympics to use the athlete's likeness, name, voice or words for media, promotional and fundraising purposes.
Arrange an appointment with a physician to complete the COMBINED RELEASE / PARTICIPATION FORM. This form asks for emergency contact and insurance information as well as a health history. A physician must sign the form to certify that the athlete is able to participate in Special Olympics activities.
All completed forms should be returned to:
Tammy Cale or Special Olympics Virginia
107 Community Way Attn: Tammy Cale
Apt. 324 P.O. Box 1381
Staunton, VA 24401 Waynesboro, Virginia 22980
Please keep a copy for yourself, in case the inevitable happens and it becomes lost in the mail!!
Special Olympics Athlete's Code of Conduct
Special Olympics is committed to the highest ideals of sport and expects all athletes and unified partners to act in a manner that both contributes to the overall mission of Special Olympics and follows Special Olympics Virginia policies. All Special Olympics athletes and Unified Partners agree to the following code of conduct:
I will practice good sportsmanship.
I will act in ways that bring respect to me, my coaches, my team and Special Olympics.
I will not use bad language at Special Olympics events, training sessions or competitions.
I will not insult other persons at Special Olympics events, training sessions or competitions.
I will not fight with other athletes, coaches, volunteers or staff.
I will train regularly and commit to knowing and playing by the rules of my sport.
I will listen to my coaches and the officials and ask questions when I do not understand.
I will always try my best during training, divisioning and competitions. I will not “hold back” in preliminary competition just to get into an easier competition division.
I will not make inappropriate or unwanted physical, verbal or sexual advances on others.
I will not smoke or chew tobacco at any training or competition site except in designated smoking areas.
I will not consume alcoholic beverages and/or controlled substances during any Special Olympics training or at competitions.
I will not take drugs for the purpose of improving my performance.
I will not engage in sexual activities during any Special Olympics training or at competitions.
I will obey all laws and Special Olympics rules, the International Federation and the National Federation/Governing Body rules for my sport(s).
I will respect the property of hotels, dormitories, athletic facilities and dining facilities.
Parent & Caregiver Responsibilities
If your son/daughter/client signs up for a sport, then it is YOUR responsibility to see that they attend from the first practice thru to the last practice scheduled. If they find they do not like a sport, then notify the coach that they will no longer be attending. An athlete should not miss more than 2 practice sessions.
It is YOUR responsibility to go up to the coach EACH week and find out if there are changes in the schedule or news to be heard. Do not drop your athlete off, pick them up and expect your athlete to give you the information. It’s probably not going to happen! Even though the coach may give out a written notice, it may not make it to you. Talk to the coach each week.
If your athlete cannot attend practice, it is YOUR responsibility to call the coach and let him/her know AHEAD of time that they will not be there. If you leave a message, ask the coach to call you if there were any changes made regarding practices or an upcoming competition.
If your athlete requires one-on-one and needs to be encouraged to participate or has some behavior issues, then DO NOT drop them off and expect the coaches to manage their behavior or work one-on-one while trying to work with a team or other athletes. Please be considerate. Your help will be needed.
If your athlete is new to the program, you need to stay with your athlete until the staff feels they know the individual well enough and are comfortable with you leaving them for any period of time.
May sure your athlete comes to practice appropriately dressed. If it’s cold outside, be sure they come with plenty of clothes on!
Be on time for practice and when picking up your athlete.
Keep the sports schedule on your refrigerator or in a safe place where you can check on start dates for each sport. The coach will call ONLY if there is a change in the start date.
Read the “Code of Conduct” to your athlete and make sure they understand what their responsibilities are.
When your son/daughter/client’s medical expires, they can no longer participate in the program until a current medical is submitted—there will be no exceptions. If you would like to know when your medical is due please call Tammy Cale at 540-886-5202 or 540-255-7973
Athlete Forms & Downloads:
Application & Releases